We finally got our hands on a copy of my video segment on WSYR Ch.9’s Bridge Street with Rick and Julie from back in November.
Lakeland Winery on Bridge Street with Rick & Julie
[kml_flashembed movie=”https://www.lakelandwinery.com/lwvideos/media/bridgestreetnov2008/bridgestreetnov2008.swf” height=”280″ width=”372″ fversion=”8″ base=”.” allowscriptaccess=”sameDomain” useexpressinstall=”true” /]
I think the segment really gives a great overview of the personalized and custom winemaking experiences at Lakeland Winery—from start to finish. A big thank you to Rick and Julie and the production staff for doing such a fantastic job.
If you haven’t already, you can also check out my How to Make Wine video series on YouTube. The first video in the series, How to Make Wine – Step 1, has nearly 25,000 hits and a full five-star rating!
Head over to our news room to watch the rest of our video collection.