We will most likely receive our Merlot; Cabernet Sauvignon and Pinot Noir California Grapes on Friday, October 2, and begin crushing Saturday October 3, at 9AM. The New York juice and grapes will arrive a week or two later in October. Please send $270 (includes tax) to Lakeland Winery, 927 Meadowbrook Drive, Syracuse, New York 13224. This is guaranteed 30 bottles of wine, including corks and bottles.

Meet us at Lakeland Winery, 877 State Fair Blvd., Syracuse, Saturday October 3, 2009 at 9AM for our grape crushing party. Paying customers get free coffee; breakfast donuts and wine tasting, but you can still come to watch. Bring your kids for the learning experience – IT’S FUN!!

Call me at 572-4763 if you have any questions.