We’re building our news room piece by piece and just put up video of Andy featuring Lakeland Winery wines on WCNY’s Food for Thought with George Kilpatrick and WSYR’s Bridge Street with Rick and Julie.

You can head over to our news room, or just watch below:

Lakeland Winery on Bridge Street with Rick and Julie


[kml_flashembed movie=”https://www.lakelandwinery.com/lwvideos/media/bridgestreetvideo/bridgestreetvideo.swf” height=”280″ width=”372″ fversion=”8″ base=”.” allowscriptaccess=”sameDomain” useexpressinstall=”true” /]

Lakeland Winery on WCNY’s Food for Thought with George Kilpatrick


[kml_flashembed movie=”https://www.lakelandwinery.com/lwvideos/media/foodforthoughtvideo/foodforthoughtvideo.swf” height=”280″ width=”372″ fversion=”8″ base=”.” allowscriptaccess=”sameDomain” useexpressinstall=”true” /]