Photo by joey norsen.
Stumbled across a study from last year, which points out that the New York wine industry is one of the fastest growing in the 50 states.
With more and more Personalized Winemakers and wholesale customers every day, is it just a coincidence that our winery is growing? Maybe—but we’re definitely working pretty hard to make it happen!
The Northeast also consumes the most wine:
Respondents from the Northeast region exhibit the highest incidence of drinking wine, followed by respondents from the West region. Three—New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey—out of the top ten
wine-consuming states (Adams Beverage Group) are in the Northeast region. Additionally, the New York wine industry is one of the fastest growing in the U.S. (Mintel/Simmons Spring 2006 National Consumer Survey)
I’ll have to dig through this study further to find more interesting tidbits…